


Sr.片岡 八重子



Sr.秋山 良子









一つの望みを抱きながら参加した研修、巡礼でした。その望みに対してして、否定的な事は 感じられず、時に聖アンジェラから励まし、勇気、希望をいただきました。私にとって、これ からのミッションを考える意味深い祈りの時となり、心から感謝しています。




kanso02私はこの巡礼に先駆けて、届けられた資料のうち、はじめの数日間の分を姉妹達と下見をするという以外には、出かける前日まで荷物も作らず、ましてや心の準備もしていなかった。それにもかかわらず、フィリピンから日本に向け飛行機で出かける時点で、聖アンジェラが同行してくれているとしか思えないようなハプニングの中、何とか目的地にたどり着くことができた。そして約20時間に及ぶメリチアムでのセッションは、巡礼を通して聖アンジェラを知り、深めていくことに集中して、メール・マリーの生まれた地を訪れた。それは2人の創立者たちの精神に今まで以上に深いところで触れることができ、まさに一緒に源泉で創立者たちが残してくれた遺産を受けるということに相成った。巡礼のテーマ・ソングであった“歩きましょう 光の中 よろこび 希望”に支えられて、行く先々で、百聞は一見にしかずということを自分の目で確かめつつ巡り歩いた。今、私たちは旅の最後にそれぞれの国、それぞれが置かれた場所に戻ろうとしているが、私が出かける前にはなかったひとつの心の姿勢がある。それは聖アンジェラのように、メール・マリーのようにイエスとの深い一致を世界に、いや宇宙に向けて広げていきたいとの強い希望に満ちた願いに満たされていることである。この願いは波紋のように、またバイブレーションとなって、私の中から出て行こうとしている。私という小さなうつわを通して・・・・・。


Sr.鈴木 照子

Mon charisme a la suite d’Angele est d’etre une femme de relation. Pendant le mois international 2004, j’etais en tenue de service pour de? meilleures relations. Le japonais, l’anglais, le francais, le cebuano, le chant ont permis que je sois un pont entre les personnes en vue d’une plus grande communion. C’est ma joie d’etre en etat de service quand je le peux le faire.

La langue est une barriere, oui, mais si chacune s’y mettait avec plus ou moins de langue et beaucoup de coeur, nous pourrions repondre a l’appel du Saint-Pere: “Ne construisons pas des murs mais des ponts.”

Sr.Odile Gardner

“My Soul Proclaims the goodness of the Lord,

kanso03my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour! ”?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Lk. 1:46

This is the song of my grateful heart. What a great priveledge and a big grace received!? A big thanks and congratulations to all the people behind this great and marvelous project, especially to the Generalate and Province of Japan for your financial, moral and spiritual support. For it was a wonderful, meaningful and enriching experience for me.

Seeing, visiting, living and walking in the footsteps of our foundresses St. Angela in Desenzano, Salo, Brescia, Varallo, Venice, Rome and in Tours of Blessed Marie’s birthplace deepend my knowledge, love, relationships? for them that leads me to become more closer to Jesus. My eyes and heart were opened with awe to the wonderful and beautiful works of arts and architecture that lifted up my spirit to God in prayer.

In profound communion, living in an international community had enriched me socially, intellectually, culturally and spiritually. What is left in my heart that I would like to cherish for my spiritual nourishment is the acro name F.A.I.T.H. which after our workshop my Filipina Sisters decided to have this motto.

F—will remind me of the strong deep and clear Trinitarian faith foundation of St. Angela and Blessed Marie which is the core of their being. Jesus becomes their Focus- Treasure. He is my refuge.( Ps. 30:1)

A—because of their strong faith flows their Availability to service, to all people, rich, poor, saints, sinners, political and businessman etc.

I— their contemplative and active life made them into an integrated person, thus they are

T— truly committed to become true virginal spouse doing what is the concern of their “Beloved”, thus teaches the people to lead a new life. Living a true witness their way of life is in a

H— humble servant of God only to do the Will of God.

I pray and hope that this gift of faith F.A..I.T..H.. will grow in each of our heart and become the pillar which we can lean on as we continue our pilgrimage to our respected apostolate.???             ????????????????  Sr. Bella R. Batistil, o.s.u.

Attending this? International Month here in Italy is very enriching and nourishing. Why? Because I was really struck of Mother Angela’s way of life particularly her prayer and service to the people. Every work of Angela accomplishes is a fruit of her prayer and listening to? God’s? Word.

To begin our day by having a quiet time with the Lord is not a wasted time, it becomes the most fruitfultime of the? day like Angela.. If we listen attentively to Jesus we will receive the inner strength we need to finish our work. My true accomplishment is in Jesus Christ who is the fruit of my prayer and quiet time with Him.?????????????????????????????????????????? Sr. Sandra? A.? Burgos, o.s.u.

How could I repay the Lord for all His goodness to me… being the most priveldge to have the very special opportunity of the GOLDEN HARVEST.

A? G- gracefilled? year, gathering gifts to be

O?open to a broader outlook which makes one a


D—deligent and

E—energetic person because of the

kanso04N?nourishment received from my tertianship and International communion with my sisters of different culture and individual uniqueness.

The piilgimages we made together on the different places which were the roots of our foundresses: Mother St. Angela Merici and Blessed Marie de’l Incarnacion, deepened my knowledge of their heritages handed down to us. They simply called us to be






S—service oriented person and to be

T—trustful to our one and only treasure, Jesus Christ.

The experiences we have had are riches which make us? more united together and deepen our communion with the Blessed Trinity, with each sisters, and with the Church. For all of these I am eternally grateful to God who made everything possible through the untiring efforts of our sisters in the Generalate, our respective Provinces, communities, all the sisters of the Canadian Union and those people, who through their prayers made this event a fruitful and successful one. Thank you very much… Maraming salamat po…. .

Sr.Leonidesa B. Leong, o.s.u.

The pilgrimage for me was a big grace in my life. I felt that I was journeying with Jesus and St. Angela, in Desenzano, Brescia,? Assissi, Rome and until Tours. My feeling, Christ was speaking to me? in the different footsteps of my foundresses.

Thus, I received the grace of enlightenment with faith, hope and love that leads me to be more courageous in my life and get more closer to St. Angela and Blessed Marie with the Holy Spirit. They were more alive in my pilgrimage. It makes me also alive.

The challenge for me now,? is to water again my plants which means to water myself with full of joys and love of Jesus Christ my spouse.

Sr. Regina? F. Inot, o.s.u.

The pilgrimage to the roots of the life and religious vocation of our foundresses St. Angela Merici and Blessed Marie de’l Incarnacion? enriches and deepens my own religious vocation, as Jesus my one and? only treasure and Divine? Spouse. “All is for the glory of God” It was an opportunity for me to renew my Religious Vows: “The Evengelical Counsels” to the Church and to the Ursuline Institute as daughters of St. Angela.. Thank you so much? for it was for me

“ A? Dream comes True.”

Sr. Lilia G. Castel, o.s.u.kanso05



日本管区 MOIS INTERNATIONAL 2004 参加者一同


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